• Sessions: 1
    Class Date(s): 10-04-2024 to 10-04-2024
    Day(s) of the week: Friday
    Time: 10:00 AM → 11:30 AM
    Instructor: Maria Butler, MA Lecturer Emerita San Diego State University
    Term: 2024-3
    Location: In-Person or Online | Lifelong Learning Center

    Based on early accounts this lecture is the history relating the meeting between Cortes and Moctezuma II and the fall... read more
  • Sessions: 1
    Class Date(s): 10-04-2024 to 10-04-2024
    Day(s) of the week: Friday
    Time: 1:00 PM → 2:00 PM
    Instructor: Nicole Strickland, Paranormal Researcher, Author & Writer, Award-Winning Radio Host
    Term: 2024-3
    Location: In-Person or Online | Lifelong Learning Center

    This presentation discusses the history and paranormal claims of various historical landmarks in San Diego, California. The San Diego Paranormal... read more


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