
Longitudinal studies on older adults show that people who have a positive attitude toward aging live more than seven years longer than those with a negative attitude. Positive Attitude toward ones aging has a greater impact on survival than gender, loneliness, smoking and exercise. Hear what attitude expert, Candace Shivers has learned from her research and life experiences. Also, gets tips to help with your attitude adjustment.


Candace Shivers is a co-founder and principal at the Love of Aging movement. She spent 36 years as Registration Manager for Landmark Worldwide and trained over 10,000 people in leadership. She has also led personal development programs for over 20,000 people and serves on the design team for Landmark Education programs . For over 9 years now, Candace has been involved with WISE & Healthy Aging, a nationally recognized nonprofit where she develops and delivers programs and education that promotes healthy aging through lifelong learning, active lifestyles, and volunteer engagement.