
This Poetry class series has been generously underwritten by anonymous donor, a.k.a. The Moon of Happiness. It is for writers who want to learn more about poetry and the revision process. We start with a reading and group commentary on each other’s poems followed by a prompt to write for 15 minutes, then optional sharing. The grand finale is a period of instruction including a handout which is emailed each week soon after the class session.

During our Zoom class, you can elect to “Screen Share” your poem. It needs to be in a document opened on the desktop of your computers behind your Zoom window. If you don’t know how to “Screen Share” you are welcome to send the poem document to Seretta, the day before the class meets. Send it in a .doc or .docx attached to an email. She will be happy to “Screen Share”your poem for you during class so everyone can see it as you read.


Class Protocol:

During class, please keep your mic on mute until called on. Raise your hand when you have comments.

Be gentle and kind. First comment on what you like about the poem before pointing out edits. Focus on elements of craft (image, sound, senses, poetic devices used, and your emotional response to the poem.)

As in our live sessions, when sharing your poem, please listen quietly as poets offer feedback. Save your comments and questions about your poem until after they have all finished.

Avoid commenting on the feedback. There is no need to defend your ideas or your poem. It is understood that these poems are drafts and not yet finished poems.

Keep your feedback comments brief and try not to repeat what has already been said.
If anyone talks too much and too often, it takes time away from others who wish to contribute to the conversation.

Please do not critique the one giving feedback. We all have our own way of looking at things and are entitled to our opinions.