
Discover the flexibility and joy of acrylic painting. Work together on a simple acrylic painting on canvas. Practice the basic steps involved in creating a landscape or a seascape from reference material. We will create a tropical beach landscape using color mixing and paint layering techniques.



Any assortment of acrylic paint.  Be sure to include the basic colors Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Black, or specifically titanium white, black, cadmium red medium, and magenta or quinacridone crimson, cadmium yellow, ultramarine blue and thalo blue.  Glazing medium, any kind that you already have or if needed to buy get matte medium.

Any brushes you have and  2” (inexpensive chip brush). 1″, 1/2″  or a pack of assorted sizes for “acrylic, watercolor, oils”. A pad of Mixed media Spiral 9×12 or 11×14 and a 16 x 20 canvas (or similar size).

Water container, paper towels, masking tape, pencil, soft vine charcoal, palette or paper plates for color mixing.